Friday, May 05, 2006

Staying in Summers

One thing is clear to me-whoever wishes to stay in the summers over here is definitely an aspiring active creature who wants to do something good in his life. Also, one can ejoy those things which we normally are not able to avail off during the semesters.

I am entitled to do a research project in the SURGE program here at IIT Kanpur. Initially, it is a feeling of pride in my bosom but I just look forward to it not only as one another thing but a thing which I will try to pursue to the best of my abilities.

Things are becoming tough. Lot ost higns to do- but my prime focus should be on the project.

I have just gotten up. Time to bathe and get back to work. Common monu, you can do it.

Have a nice day.

1 comment:

Doug Geiger said...

Great blog! I love how you blend philosophy and your studies; your mind is the type that will help mankind the most. Thanks for visiting the Paradox church website and commenting! Come by often!

Doug Geiger